They’re fun ...
They’re clean ...
They’re electric ...
What is a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV)?
- Great vehicles for short trips to nearby in-community destinations
- Progressive personal mobility solution for this planned community
- Clean, efficient vehicles which save money and time while helping the environment and improving quality of life
The NEV:
- Travels at speeds up to 25 mph on designated 35mph community streets
- Travels up to 35 miles on a full charge
- Charges on standard 110-volt outlets found in any home or office building
- Recharges in 8 to 10 hours (from low to full charge)
- Half the size of the conventional automobile
- Weighs as little as 900 pounds
- More maneuverable than the conventional automobile
EV Features & Benefits
Why would you want to own a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle, and how does it benefit the community?